/** * Observe how the user enters content into the comment form in order to determine whether it's a bot or not. * * Note that no actual input is being saved here, only counts and timings between events. */ ( function() { // Passive event listeners are guaranteed to never call e.preventDefault(), // but they're not supported in all browsers. Use this feature detection // to determine whether they're available for use. var supportsPassive = false; try { var opts = Object.defineProperty( {}, 'passive', { get : function() { supportsPassive = true; } } ); window.addEventListener( 'testPassive', null, opts ); window.removeEventListener( 'testPassive', null, opts ); } catch ( e ) {} function init() { var input_begin = ''; var keydowns = {}; var lastKeyup = null; var lastKeydown = null; var keypresses = []; var modifierKeys = []; var correctionKeys = []; var lastMouseup = null; var lastMousedown = null; var mouseclicks = []; var mousemoveTimer = null; var lastMousemoveX = null; var lastMousemoveY = null; var mousemoveStart = null; var mousemoves = []; var touchmoveCountTimer = null; var touchmoveCount = 0; var lastTouchEnd = null; var lastTouchStart = null; var touchEvents = []; var scrollCountTimer = null; var scrollCount = 0; var correctionKeyCodes = [ 'Backspace', 'Delete', 'ArrowUp', 'ArrowDown', 'ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight', 'Home', 'End', 'PageUp', 'PageDown' ]; var modifierKeyCodes = [ 'Shift', 'CapsLock' ]; var forms = document.querySelectorAll( 'form[method=post]' ); for ( var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++ ) { var form = forms[i]; var formAction = form.getAttribute( 'action' ); // Ignore forms that POST directly to other domains; these could be things like payment forms. if ( formAction ) { // Check that the form is posting to an external URL, not a path. if ( formAction.indexOf( 'http://' ) == 0 || formAction.indexOf( 'https://' ) == 0 ) { if ( formAction.indexOf( 'http://' + window.location.hostname + '/' ) != 0 && formAction.indexOf( 'https://' + window.location.hostname + '/' ) != 0 ) { continue; } } } form.addEventListener( 'submit', function () { var ak_bkp = prepare_timestamp_array_for_request( keypresses ); var ak_bmc = prepare_timestamp_array_for_request( mouseclicks ); var ak_bte = prepare_timestamp_array_for_request( touchEvents ); var ak_bmm = prepare_timestamp_array_for_request( mousemoves ); var input_fields = { // When did the user begin entering any input? 'ak_bib': input_begin, // When was the form submitted? 'ak_bfs': Date.now(), // How many keypresses did they make? 'ak_bkpc': keypresses.length, // How quickly did they press a sample of keys, and how long between them? 'ak_bkp': ak_bkp, // How quickly did they click the mouse, and how long between clicks? 'ak_bmc': ak_bmc, // How many mouseclicks did they make? 'ak_bmcc': mouseclicks.length, // When did they press modifier keys (like Shift or Capslock)? 'ak_bmk': modifierKeys.join( ';' ), // When did they correct themselves? e.g., press Backspace, or use the arrow keys to move the cursor back 'ak_bck': correctionKeys.join( ';' ), // How many times did they move the mouse? 'ak_bmmc': mousemoves.length, // How many times did they move around using a touchscreen? 'ak_btmc': touchmoveCount, // How many times did they scroll? 'ak_bsc': scrollCount, // How quickly did they perform touch events, and how long between them? 'ak_bte': ak_bte, // How many touch events were there? 'ak_btec' : touchEvents.length, // How quickly did they move the mouse, and how long between moves? 'ak_bmm' : ak_bmm }; for ( var field_name in input_fields ) { var field = document.createElement( 'input' ); field.setAttribute( 'type', 'hidden' ); field.setAttribute( 'name', field_name ); field.setAttribute( 'value', input_fields[ field_name ] ); this.appendChild( field ); } }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); form.addEventListener( 'keydown', function ( e ) { // If you hold a key down, some browsers send multiple keydown events in a row. // Ignore any keydown events for a key that hasn't come back up yet. if ( e.key in keydowns ) { return; } var keydownTime = ( new Date() ).getTime(); keydowns[ e.key ] = [ keydownTime ]; if ( ! input_begin ) { input_begin = keydownTime; } // In some situations, we don't want to record an interval since the last keypress -- for example, // on the first keypress, or on a keypress after focus has changed to another element. Normally, // we want to record the time between the last keyup and this keydown. But if they press a // key while already pressing a key, we want to record the time between the two keydowns. var lastKeyEvent = Math.max( lastKeydown, lastKeyup ); if ( lastKeyEvent ) { keydowns[ e.key ].push( keydownTime - lastKeyEvent ); } lastKeydown = keydownTime; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); form.addEventListener( 'keyup', function ( e ) { if ( ! ( e.key in keydowns ) ) { // This key was pressed before this script was loaded, or a mouseclick happened during the keypress, or... return; } var keyupTime = ( new Date() ).getTime(); if ( 'TEXTAREA' === e.target.nodeName || 'INPUT' === e.target.nodeName ) { if ( -1 !== modifierKeyCodes.indexOf( e.key ) ) { modifierKeys.push( keypresses.length - 1 ); } else if ( -1 !== correctionKeyCodes.indexOf( e.key ) ) { correctionKeys.push( keypresses.length - 1 ); } else { // ^ Don't record timings for keys like Shift or backspace, since they // typically get held down for longer than regular typing. var keydownTime = keydowns[ e.key ][0]; var keypress = []; // Keypress duration. keypress.push( keyupTime - keydownTime ); // Amount of time between this keypress and the previous keypress. if ( keydowns[ e.key ].length > 1 ) { keypress.push( keydowns[ e.key ][1] ); } keypresses.push( keypress ); } } delete keydowns[ e.key ]; lastKeyup = keyupTime; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); form.addEventListener( "focusin", function ( e ) { lastKeydown = null; lastKeyup = null; keydowns = {}; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); form.addEventListener( "focusout", function ( e ) { lastKeydown = null; lastKeyup = null; keydowns = {}; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); } document.addEventListener( 'mousedown', function ( e ) { lastMousedown = ( new Date() ).getTime(); }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'mouseup', function ( e ) { if ( ! lastMousedown ) { // If the mousedown happened before this script was loaded, but the mouseup happened after... return; } var now = ( new Date() ).getTime(); var mouseclick = []; mouseclick.push( now - lastMousedown ); if ( lastMouseup ) { mouseclick.push( lastMousedown - lastMouseup ); } mouseclicks.push( mouseclick ); lastMouseup = now; // If the mouse has been clicked, don't record this time as an interval between keypresses. lastKeydown = null; lastKeyup = null; keydowns = {}; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', function ( e ) { if ( mousemoveTimer ) { clearTimeout( mousemoveTimer ); mousemoveTimer = null; } else { mousemoveStart = ( new Date() ).getTime(); lastMousemoveX = e.offsetX; lastMousemoveY = e.offsetY; } mousemoveTimer = setTimeout( function ( theEvent, originalMousemoveStart ) { var now = ( new Date() ).getTime() - 500; // To account for the timer delay. var mousemove = []; mousemove.push( now - originalMousemoveStart ); mousemove.push( Math.round( Math.sqrt( Math.pow( theEvent.offsetX - lastMousemoveX, 2 ) + Math.pow( theEvent.offsetY - lastMousemoveY, 2 ) ) ) ); if ( mousemove[1] > 0 ) { // If there was no measurable distance, then it wasn't really a move. mousemoves.push( mousemove ); } mousemoveStart = null; mousemoveTimer = null; }, 500, e, mousemoveStart ); }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'touchmove', function ( e ) { if ( touchmoveCountTimer ) { clearTimeout( touchmoveCountTimer ); } touchmoveCountTimer = setTimeout( function () { touchmoveCount++; }, 500 ); }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'touchstart', function ( e ) { lastTouchStart = ( new Date() ).getTime(); }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'touchend', function ( e ) { if ( ! lastTouchStart ) { // If the touchstart happened before this script was loaded, but the touchend happened after... return; } var now = ( new Date() ).getTime(); var touchEvent = []; touchEvent.push( now - lastTouchStart ); if ( lastTouchEnd ) { touchEvent.push( lastTouchStart - lastTouchEnd ); } touchEvents.push( touchEvent ); lastTouchEnd = now; // Don't record this time as an interval between keypresses. lastKeydown = null; lastKeyup = null; keydowns = {}; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'scroll', function ( e ) { if ( scrollCountTimer ) { clearTimeout( scrollCountTimer ); } scrollCountTimer = setTimeout( function () { scrollCount++; }, 500 ); }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); } /** * For the timestamp data that is collected, don't send more than `limit` data points in the request. * Choose a random slice and send those. */ function prepare_timestamp_array_for_request( a, limit ) { if ( ! limit ) { limit = 100; } var rv = ''; if ( a.length > 0 ) { var random_starting_point = Math.max( 0, Math.floor( Math.random() * a.length - limit ) ); for ( var i = 0; i < limit && i < a.length; i++ ) { rv += a[ random_starting_point + i ][0]; if ( a[ random_starting_point + i ].length >= 2 ) { rv += "," + a[ random_starting_point + i ][1]; } rv += ";"; } } return rv; } if ( document.readyState !== 'loading' ) { init(); } else { document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', init ); } })();; !function(){var e=document.currentScript;function t(t){var n=document.createElement("script"),o=e||document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];n.setAttribute("async",!0),n.setAttribute("src",t),o.parentNode.insertBefore(n,o)}function n(e,t){return Element.prototype.matches?e.matches(t):Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector?e.msMatchesSelector(t):void 0}function o(e,t){if(e.closest)return e.closest(t);var o=e;do{if(n(o,t))return o;o=o.parentElement||o.parentNode}while(null!==o&&1===o.nodeType);return null}function i(e,t){for(var n=0;n0&&c.inject_share_count("sharing-pinterest-"+WPCOM_sharing_counts[e.url],e.count)},inject_share_count:function(e,t){i(document.querySelectorAll("a[data-shared="+e+"] > span"),(function(e){var n,o=e.querySelector(".share-count");(n=o)&&n.parentNode&&n.parentNode.removeChild(n);var i=document.createElement("span");i.className="share-count",i.textContent=c.format_count(t),e.appendChild(i)}))},format_count:function(e){return e<1e3?e:e>=1e3&&e<1e4?String(e).substring(0,1)+"K+":"10K+"},bump_sharing_count_stat:function(e){(new Image).src=document.location.protocol+"//pixel.wp.com/g.gif?v=wpcom-no-pv&x_sharing-count-request="+e+"&r="+Math.random()}};window.WPCOMSharing=c}function u(e,t){e.setAttribute("jetpack-share-click-count",t)}function d(e){var t=e.getAttribute("jetpack-share-click-count");return null===t?0:parseInt(t,10)}function l(e,t){var n,o=new XMLHttpRequest;o.open("POST",e,!0),o.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded; 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